DOJI Marine Trading
DoJi Marine Trading
DoJi Marine Trading offers both bunker brokering and trading services to its customers. Our service is known for close engagement and transparency with our customers, viewing them as long term partners with the ultimate goal to save them money by reducing their operating cost to bolster voyage earnings. DoJi Marine Trading is not the largest participant in the market in which it serves, but we will always strive to be the best. Our team provides market analysis, technical guidance, up-to-date pricing and a personalized service to make transactions go smoothly.
DoJi Marine Trading is currently serving a limited amount of customers during its initial stage of development. This is by design to establish a loyal customer base by providing extraordinary service and personal attention. Coming from the owner’s side of the business, our prospective is different from that of our competition in that we more closely relate to the owner’s needs and compliment their in house operations. We also operate with a low overhead, allowing us to pass bigger savings to our customers while still achieving acceptable revenue for DoJi Marine Trading. Currently DoJi Marine Trading consists of its founder, one broker and an office manager.
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